Killmail denial service – possible improvement

Lads and gents,


this is gonna be creative one. As we are now facing pretty decent amount of faggots we faced problem of killmail denial “exploit”.

Please no rage about using word exploit. It is probably valid tactics, what sucks is that nobody gets kill mail.

What happened while we were killing the Tengu.

0. SLAPD pilot found he cannot win and his tengu will end in flames

1.he set self destruct

2. jumped out of ship in pod

3. we tried to board the ship – it is not possible because it is set to selfdesruct

4. we poped the ship to make economical damage, but we knew km is lost. đŸ˜¦


Is there a way to get the kmail?


If not I would propose to change  one of the following when u have aggro.  Similar change which canceled the sucky logoffski shit.

– disable selfdestruct option if aggro (not veryu happy about it though)

– deliver km of empty ship with last blow even if sd – if it had aggro

Or any other creative change that would disable this shit.

Same is with scooping ships into carriers if it is going down – u cannot scoop agressed ship.

Hidden Snake

” The Busdriver”




  1. Firstly, I do believed he complained in local about his mods not working which is one of the crappy reasons he set the Tengu to self- destruct! Why? Because he was neuted!
    Secondly, he will have the loss of his Tengu on his own combat record in ship losses. Perhaps we can bribe a CCP agent to deliver this information. HeeHee…!

  2. omg i will be digging killmails via petition

    sigh … will try it

  3. If you are in a T3 cruiser when it explodes, you lose subsystem skills.

    That is why he ejected.

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